As far as presentation goes DW Gundam has its high and low points. On one side you get gorgeously modeled, hi-res versions of mobile suits from multiple series. The main suits' look get the most attention, but even the armies of fodder suits look great. At the same time, maps are incredibly dull. There are a few stand-outs, though even the best maps have little issues. Some are too dark while others aren't all that well designed. There are attempts to make them look a little better by adding swirling dust or fog, though these don't go nearly as far as they could.
Another positive when it comes to presentation is the voicework. As far as I can tell, most of the English voice actors from the various Gundam series reprise their roles for the game. There's a sizeable amount of chatter in the game, whether it be during story sequences, mission briefings or battlefield chats. Some of the more entertaining sound moments come in Original Mode, where you get to see pilots from different series interact with each other. One of the best comes when Puru and Domon team up and Puru finishes Domon's, "This hand..." line.
Music is generally good. I couldn't tell if any of the songs come from the series, though they aren't that far off from what does appear in the shows. At random times, the music will cut off for no reason. This seemed to happen after having to restart missions multiple times and not so often that it becomes a problem. In fact, the lack of music helped me to focus on the game and tactics a little better... so it wasn't a bad thing as far as I am concerned.

Original Mode is basically playable fan fiction. A planet appears in Earth's orbit and threatens to slam into Earth. Somehow or another, pilots from different series team up with each other in order to investigate the planet. Much like Official Mode, you are limited to mobile suits from two series; Domon (G Gundam) and Heero (Gundam Wing).
From the very start, DW Gundam is something that was made more for fans than the general public. If you haven't a clue about the show's plots, Official Mode probably won't make any sense, despite how hard missions attempt to fill you in. Fans of earlier Gundam series (those appearing in Official Mode) will probably enjoy DW Gundam just a little more than those who enjoy the later two. While nearly every pilot/suit of any significance from the first three shows make an appearance, the later two shows are represented by two (playable) pilots/ suits each. As for SEED fans, well... sorry. It probably won't be enough to totally dissuade Gundam fans, but at the same time it sucks to not see better representation since the suits from both shows were, at least in my opinion, some of the better-looking ones.

As mindless as missions are, most feature a bit of strategy. Some missions require that you quickly rush to specific points on the map, sometimes leaving others to be taken over. You'll also have to decide if you can spare a few minutes to clear areas, lowering enemy resistance in adjacent areas. The only times missions become too much to handle is when you have to protect a specific area while also keeping an eye on another character who is always on the other side of the field.
Every enemy you kill also earns experience for both your pilot and mobile suit. As pilots level up, they can learn special passive abilities that improve their suit's performance. Some increase the amount of experience you get per kill, while others make certain attacks more powerful or even quickly fill up your special meter. Leveling up Mobile Suits increases their stats as well as unlocking new special attacks (up to 3). Suits can also be equipped with parts that are won by defeating commander mechs during the game.
As previously stated, Dynasty Warriors Gundam is a game that is really more for Gundam fans. Missions are pretty repetitive and the story is impenetrable for anyone who hasn't seen the show. At the same time, sometimes a little mindless, repetitive fun is necessary - something that Dynasty Warriors Gundam provides.
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